Blogs, Bow Hunting Guide

How to Make a Bow and Arrow for Hunting? (Step by Step)

There are many ways to begin hunting, and one of the most common ones is using a bow and arrow. This method allows hunters to enhance their hunting skills while enjoying every bit of it. Bow and arrow hunting is an efficient way to challenge yourself and the limits you can get to. It is quite different from using a hunting gun. In this discussion, we will look into the process of making a bow and arrow for hunting. The steps involved include;

How to Make a Bow and Arrow for Hunting?

Deciding the type of bow

The first step in making a bow and arrow is to decide the type that will best suit your needs. It can be a crossbow or a compound bow. The type of bow you choose should depend on its purpose. If you are using it for target shooting, you should choose a long-range crossbow. On the other hand, if you are going to use it for hunting, then a compound bow is a better choice. A compound bow has different limbs where the user can adjust them as per his need. This feature allows the bow to be used with more accuracy and speed.

Cutting the right piece of wood

Next is cutting the right wood. There are many kinds of woods available that can be used to make a bow. These are hardwoods like maple, oak, and ash. They are suitable for making hunting bows and other types of long-range crossbows. If you choose to make a short-range crossbow, then you should choose woods like pine, poplar, aspen, sycamore, hickory, or ash. The choice depends on your budget. If you want a straight bow, you can choose any type of hardwood such as white oak, ash, hickory, and even locust. For a recurve bow, you can choose softwood such as basswood or sweet gum. Before you begin, make sure you cut the pieces of wood accurately, because this will help you align the limbs when making the bow.

Determining its natural curve and laying out the ball

When determining the natural curve, make sure you take into consideration the strength of the bow. A stronger bow has a higher arc than the weaker ones. When making the bow, you must also consider the size of the arrow that will be used. You can determine the length by measuring the distance between the tip of the arrow and the bowstring.

Cutting and thinning the limb to shape the bow

Once you have determined the wood for the bow, it is time to cut the limb for the bow. You need to make sure that you are cutting the piece of wood at the right length. If not, you will get an off-balance bow. When cutting the wood, you must make sure to cut on the grain so that it gets straight when made. After cutting the wood to the right size, it is now time to determine the shape of the bow. There are several ways to make the bow, but the most common one is using a bow saw. If you are making a bow with a long-range crossbow, then you should cut the limb to the desired length first. If making a short-range bow, you should use a bow drill instead. The bow drill allows you to make the limb in the desired curve and length. To make a good bow, the pieces of wood that are cut must be thinned as well.

Adding a handle to the board

The next step is adding the handle to the bow. This can be done using a knife or a wood saw. Make sure that you are cutting the piece of wood at the right location so that the bow does not break. When cutting the handle, it is recommended that you make it at least one-third of the length of the bow from the top.

Tillering and Stringing the bow

Now that you have made the bow, it is time to tillering and string the bow. When tillering, you need to make sure that the limbs are in alignment with the center. If they are not, the bow will not be straight. Before you start stringing the bow, make sure that you have checked the limbs. If you find any defects, you should rework them. Once the limbs are in position, it is time to string the bow.


Making a string for your bow

To make a string, you can use either nylon or sinew. Nylon strings are usually more durable than sinew ones. Before you make the string, you need to make sure that the bow has been well-tilled. The string must be long enough to prevent it from slipping on the limbs. After making the string, you need to attach it to the bow. This can be done using a nail or a screw. When attaching the string to the bow, make sure that you align it properly so that the string does not come off later on.

Once you have finished the bow, it is now time to attach the string. When attaching the string, you mustn’t use glue. Glue is not good for bows. It will prevent the string from moving when shot and it may also make the bow brittle. Instead, use wax to attach the string. It will help you keep your bow in shape.

Now we move on to the next phase. It involves is making the arrow for hunting. The big thing here is to ensure you make an arrow that has the right precision because any mistakes on that could lead to throwing off your shots. The steps of making the arrow include;

Selecting the arrow sticks

The first step is to select the sticks for the arrow. Before you make the arrow, make sure that you select a stick that is suitable for the type of bow you have. You can use a tape measure to measure the length of the stick before purchasing it. After measuring the length, make sure that the sticks are long enough to support the weight of the arrow. Another way is to use a bow gauge, which is similar to a tape measure. If using the tape measure, make sure that it is a flexible one. This helps to determine the length of the arrow by making sure that the stick is not compressed. When buying sticks, make sure they are not too thin. If not, they will bend when shooting the arrow and not be able to make a straight shot. To avoid this, make sure that you buy the right kind of wood.

Shaping the arrows

Once you have selected the right sticks for the arrow, you can start shaping the sticks into arrows. You must start with the nocks at the end of the sticks. You need to use your knife or hands to shape the sticks into arrow sticks. Once the arrow is ready to shoot, you need to add the feathers to the arrow.

Carving the arrowhead

You must now carve the arrowhead for the bow. There are several methods that you can use to make an arrowhead. The most common one is using the point of the bow itself. This method is the easiest one to make an arrowhead. Make sure that you are using a sharp knife to carve the point of the bow.

Adding fletching

The next step is to add the fletching to the arrow. Fletching is the part that helps to give the arrow its flight capability. Make sure that the feather is cut from a suitable piece of the same kind of wood used to make the arrow.

Attaching the feathers to the arrow

Once you have finished carving the arrow and adding the feathers, it is now time to attach them. The method that you use to attach the feathers depends on the type of feathers that you are using. The most common way is to glue them to the arrow with the use of an adhesive. You can also use a zip-lock bag to glue the feathers in place.

Putting the feathers in position

Make sure that you put the feathers in their correct position before shooting the arrow. You can use a sharp instrument or a pin to do this. When making the bow, ensure that you select the best wood and select the right materials. With these steps, you can make the best bow that will serve your purpose. It is also important that you buy the right type of material so that the arrows you make will work properly. There are many different kinds of bows used for hunting. They include compound bows and longbows.

Finishing the Arrow

Now it is time to finish the arrow. The final step in the process is attaching the nocks to the arrowhead. Before attaching the nock, first cut the end of the arrow. You must ensure that you make this cut at the right length.

After attaching the nocks to the arrow, it is now ready to shoot. You must now string the bow. The easiest way to do this is to tie the string to the string pulley that is on the top of the bow. You must then attach the other end of the string to the bow. This will prevent the string from slipping and make sure that the bow can shoot arrows with ease.


As you can see, making an arrow for hunting is not as complicated as one would have thought. All you have to do is follow the steps discussed in this article. You will make your bow and arrow for hunting and enjoy your time outdoors.

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